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- Critical Languages Tutoring Program (CLTP)
- Critical Languages Tutor Training Certification Program (CLTCP)
- Application, proof of MMR vaccine and payment must all be received before Basic Tutoring/Skill Intensive Workshops (SIW) can begin on campus.
- Application fee waiver ($50) may be applied to Basic Tutoring tuition for continuing students after 10 hours have been previously purchased.
Tutor Matching, Refunds & Transfers
- Students will be contacted by the Critical Languages Program (CLP) once a request has been made. Students should then allow 2-4 weeks to be matched with their tutor.
- Every attempt will be made to accommodate students’ needs and schedules. In some cases, it may not be possible to match a student or group with a tutor. In such cases, the student(s) will be issued a 100% tuition refund within five weeks of purchase (application fee is non-refundable).
- Once a student is contacted by CLP and receives an introductory email, the student and tutor will discuss their schedules and complete the schedule agreement provided by CLP. The tutoring schedule will be shared with CLP and entered into a Google doc accessible to both the tutor and the student.
- If a student attempts and fails to establish contact with a tutor or finalize a schedule within one week following introduction, the student must inform CLP immediately. The student can then be matched with a new tutor or receive a 100% refund of the tuition (application fee is non-refundable).
- If a student fails to respond to a tutor or CLP within two weeks of the introductory email, the student will lose the tutoring/workshop purchased and no refund will be issued.
- If a student/group has had one meeting with a tutor (approximately 1 hour or less) and is not satisfied, the student(s) must inform CLP immediately. The student(s) can then be matched with a new tutor or receive a 90% refund of the tuition (application fee is non-refundable).
- Students must inform the tutor and CLP immediately of all concerns.
- Refunds will NOT be issued 12 weeks after purchase date.
- Missing three tutoring/workshop appointments without proper (24-hour in advance) cancellation will result in a loss of remaining tutoring/workshop hours.
- Tutoring/workshop hours may not be transferred to other students.
Basic Tutoring/SIW Requirements
- Basic Tutoring/SIW students must be at least 18 years of age unless enrolled in a CLP youth program.
- CLP tutoring and SIWs can take place on the University of Arizona campus, on Zoom, or off campus, depending on the agreement with the tutor/CLP. (Please note that CLP is not responsible for parking/towed vehicles).
- CLP encourages 10 hours of tutoring/workshop time to be completed within approximately 10 weeks. Tutoring sessions may be paused if the student is traveling or has another valid reason that is agreed upon with the tutor/CLP.
- If a student or group must miss a tutoring/workshop appointment, s/he must cancel with the tutor at least 24 hours before the appointment. Instructor is only required to wait for 15 minutes for the student/s to arrive. If student/s do not arrive after 15 minutes the session is accounted for, if no prior cancellations had been made.
- Current CLP students are limited to 5 hours of tutoring/workshop time per week.
- Current CLP students may not be tutored by their own teachers (during regular class time).
- Tutoring/workshop students must abide by the UA Code of Conduct.
- Current UofA students interested in language courses will be referred to UA department if language is offered for credit in a Non-CLP department.