1717 E Speedway Blvd, Suite 3312
The University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85721-0151
(520) 621-3387
Directions to CLP
The Critical Languages Program is located in the Babcock building on the north side of Speedway Blvd, between McDonalds to the west and Palm Shadows apartments to the east. By car, the building is only accessible from Helen Street, one block north of Speedway. See the map of the Babcock building to see how to get to our offices.
The Critical Languages Program is located in Building #3, third floor, in room #3312. Unfortunately, parking is limited and the parking lot surrounding Babcock is a Zone 1 permit lot. Please do not park in the Wells Fargo Bank or McDonalds parking lot; they will tow your car. For additional visitor parking, continue east on Helen St and make a left (north) on Martin Ave; there is a lot with additional metered spaces on the right side. For longer-term parking, you can also park in the Highland Avenue garage; go west on Helen St past Cherry Ave until you see a large parking structure on your right. The cost is $2/hr or $8/day.