This language is a course of study offered by the Critical Languages Program at the University of Arizona with credit and non-credit options available.

Cantonese is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world with historical significance. It retains the elegance of the ancient poetic Chinese language yet it is also a rapidly evolving language that is explicitly vibrant, expressive and creative.
In Cantonese, words are constantly invented and some words such as “Char Siu (barbecued marinated pork”, “Yum Cha (brunch involving Chinese tea and dim sum)”, “Add Oil (an exclamation expressing encouragement or support)” even got included into Oxford dictionary. It is a tonal language (6 tones!) so it is as musical as can be.
Cantonese is a useful language if you want to dive into international business or ancient Chinese studies. People around the world are actively promoting the use of Cantonese and its culture against the global hegemony in recent years especially in regions like Hong Kong and United States. Join us in support of the movement and explore the rich and colorful culture!
Course Section Number: 301
Credit and Non-Credit Options
If you are a beginner, sign up for CRL 101 under course section number 301 in UAccess. If you have studied the language before or have spoken it at home, you should reach out to the tutor of your language or the Program Coordinator to schedule a free informal placement assessment.
You may have interest in learning this language but do not need university credit. You can also register for non-credit classes or tutoring.
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Course Struture
Elementary level
Students will learn basic conversational and survival Cantonese elements such as the 6 tones and 9 pitches, numbers and prices, greetings and self introduction, shopping and bargaining, describing weather conditions and directions, ordering food, as well as traveling. The lessons will be conducted in Cantonese with either English and/or Mandarin Chinese depending on class needs. Students will have the opportunity to practice both oral and listening skills through dialogues and role plays. The exam is conducted orally with no requirements on Chinese reading or writing.
学习基本粤语对话范畴例如九声六调, 价格和讲价, 自我介绍, 天气与路线, 旅游和點菜. 课堂将按需要以粤语配合英语或国语授课, 学生透过对话和角色扮演练习实践, 考试为口语考核模式.
Students will continue practicing Cantonese basic structure using day to day conversation on topics related to holidays, making travel reservations, report complaints, health issues, city description and job hunting. Students will learn basic grammar and new vocabulary on related topics. The lesson will be conducted in Cantonese and sometimes in English when necessary. Students will be able to express preferences, compare and contrast facts, and state reasoning.
在102學生會學習廣東話的 詞匯 常用文法 句子組成. 課堂亦用 對話方式學習 題目包括: 節日 旅行預約 投訴 健康 城市 及 找工作等等.
Intermediate and advanced levels
Students will learn Cantonese colloquial language through fun role-play dialogue practice. Students will also appreciate and recite Chinese Literature with practicing Chinese traditional character. Evaluation includes monologues (Composition & Reading the Passages, Recite Poems and Read Sung Ci ) and follow-up questions.
The purpose of this course is to enhance students' Cantonese communication skills, self-confidence, interpersonal skills, and understanding Hong Kong society (food and entertainment culture, transport facilities, social welfare, education and health care system, old industrial development and today's financial center ). Motivate students’ interests towards today's Hong Kong society and encourage them to travel freely to Hong Kong. Role-play dialogue and Cantonese songs will also be included in the evaluation.
Admission qualifications: taken Cantonese 101 or 102 or equivalent level or got the approval from Tutor or Director.
Intermediate level 1 ( 201 and 202 ): 可以协助讲普通话的同学进一步认识广东话。由本校资深导师用地道的标准的广東话教授学生标准词汇、实用俚语、潮流用语,在课堂上用角色扮演的形式,让同学学到的知识可以及时发挥和运用. 本课程目的是为了提高同学们的广东话沟通能力、自信心、人际交往技巧,认识香港社会(饮食娱乐文化,交通设施,社会福利,教育和医疗制度,旧时工业发展和现今商业社会服务行业)增强同学们对现今香港社会认识,鼓励他们去香港自由行. 每堂课用worksheet引导和评估.
入学资格:曾经修复本校广东话101或者102或者具有同样水平同学.或經吳老師 Wechat 聯絡面談 審批.
For students who already have the basic Cantonese level to continue their studies. Cantonese is the main language in the classroom. The contents include current topics (news, entertainments, leisures, movie watching, etc.) which are closely related to daily life to enhance students' speaking and listening skills and to deepen their understanding of the life and culture of Hong Kong. In addition, this course adds literary and cultural appreciation: learning Tang Shi and Song Ci in Cantonese, writing traditional characters with Mao Bi, appreciation and painting traditional Chinese painting. Role-play dialogue will also be included in the evaluation.
Admission qualifications: taken Cantonese class 201 or 202 or equivalent level.
Intermediate Level 2 ( 297 A): 适合已具备基础广东话的同学继续进修. 课堂用广东话为主要语言. 内容包括跟日常生活息息相关的热门话题(如新闻、娱乐、休闲、看电影学广东话俗语潮语等)及用语,加强同学的会话能力和提升聆听技巧,从而加深认识和了解香港的生活文化. 此外,本课程增添了文学及文化元素:用广东话学习唐诗和宋词,用毛笔学习书写写繁体字,教授欣赏和绘画国画四君子来添课堂趣味等. 每堂课用worksheet作引导和评估.
For students with intermediate level Cantonese, aim to obtain the qualification of minor in Cantonese. In classes, slangs, idioms and Chao languages are used to form sentences, and Cantonese grammar is used as an assessment of students' writing ability. This course focuses on the oral expression ability of students. Students have to use their own words and colloquial Cantonese language to complete the short essays about different social and cultural topics in Hong Kong as classroom sharing. Strict requirements for Cantonese pronunciation (consonant, vowel, tone). Students are required to read the text in Cantonese with accuracy and fluency.
Admission qualifications: taken Cantonese 202, 297A or equivalent level.
Advanced Level ( 301 and 302 ): 适合已具备中级程度广东话的同学继续进修,可以取得辅修广东话的资格. 课堂用生词、俗语、潮语来造句,又以活学活用广东话文法作考核同学的写作能力. 本课程着重同学的口语表达能力,要用自己的思维完成不同香港社会及文化话题的短文作为课堂分享. 导师对同学的广东话发音(声母、韵母、音调)有严格要求. 同学须用准确及流畅的广东话朗读课文篇章. 每堂课用worksheet作引导和评估.
CLP Tutors

Dolphin Law

Gloria Ng
"I love my tutor!!!"
Cantonese 101 student