
Video file

Meet our Ukrainian Tutor, Olha!          

Language section number: 347

How to register for Critical Languages classes                     

FOR CREDIT: To enroll in this language for UA university credit, if you are a beginner, you will sign up for CRL 101 under course section number 347 in UAccess. If you have studied the language some or spoken it some at home, you should reach out to the tutor of your language or Program Coordinator to schedule a free informal placement assessment.  This will help you sign up for the correct course level.  (More assessment details at: 

FOR NON-CREDIT: you may have interest in learning this language but do not need university credit.  For register for non-credit classes or tutoring, Sign up for our Spring Class non-credit class here!


Studying the Ukrainian language can be a smart and beneficial choice for the innovative and forward-looking student for several reasons. 

The Ukrainian language is critical for current and future geopolitical relations in Europe.  Understanding the Ukrainian language can provide insights into the complex political and social dynamics of the country, offering a better understanding of the challenges Ukrainians face.  Soon the country will be rebuilding and there will be high demand for engineers, interpreters, tech developers, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders. 

The Ukrainian language is a language spoken by millions of people around the globe, and a direct conduit to Ukraine’s rich history, literature, arts, and culture.  By learning Ukrainian, you gain direct access to the country's literature, music, film, and traditions, which often reflect unique perspectives on the region's past and present. Once you learn Ukrainian, you may find it easier to understand other related Slavic languages, as they share similar grammatical structures and vocabulary.

In short, learning Ukrainian is not only intellectually rewarding but also aligns with broader social, political, and professional trends. Whether you're interested in history, international relations, or simply seeking to broaden your horizons, mastering Ukrainian can be a strategic and enriching choice.

Ukrainian Taster Course

The Critical Languages Program is offering a free Ukrainian taster course for FIVE hours of instruction. This course will be an introduction to the Ukrainian language and culture and will be held via Zoom on Mondays 8:00PM - 9:15PM (AZ time) December 2 - December 23. 

Please fill out this form here to register for the FIVE hours of instruction. We encourage you to share this form with classmates and friends whom you think might be interested in learning Ukrainian.