Academic Policies

The following list of policies applies to those students seeking credit for their coursework.

Student Responsibilities

  • You are expected to contribute to in-class activities. Interactive discussion, the key to the success of this course, largely depends on your active involvement and full engagement.  This requires your full attention during the entire lesson (without distractions of digital devices, roommates, pets, other background noises, etc.).  Not being prepared for class (homework or otherwise) will result in a deduction in your course attendance grade. 
  • You are highly encouraged to make appointments with your tutor and/or CLP office to discuss your course progress or any course-related issues throughout the semester.
  • Work effort: for every course credit, you should expect to spend that many hours in class and twice that time on homework. 
  • You are required to contact your tutor ahead of time or immediately afterwards if you cannot make a class.
  • Tardiness will result in a deduction of your course attendance grade.
  • Students are responsible for communicating with their instructor(s) via the means of communication established by the instructor(s), e.g., via D2L, email, text message, etc. Contact the CLP office with your official UA e-mail.
  • Any grade appeals must follow the College of Humanities grade appeal process.
  • By registering for this class, you agree with all policies on this document and in the syllabus.


The Class Schedule, Attendance, Absences, and Class Participation Policy

Your CLP class is scheduled to fit your schedule and your classmates' at the time of enrollment, according to your other UA classes.  Should your UA class schedule change in the meantime, email immediately.  We will do all that we can to accommodate up until the first day of the semester.  If you see a conflict once the schedule is set, tell your tutor immediately.  If we cannot resolve the conflict, we will ask you to enroll next semester.  (It is the student's responsibility to be aware of drop deadlines).  

Participating in the course and attending tutorial sessions and other course events are vital to the learning process. As such, attendance is required at all tutorial sessions. Absences and tardies as well as being unprepared for class affect a student’s final course grade.  You must earn at least an 80% for class attendance (tracked in  D2L) or face a 5-point (or 5% equivalent) deduction for each missed class from the total course grade.  Attending class means you are on time, fully participating in class, and have come prepared with homework complete.  If you anticipate being absent, are unexpectedly absent, or are unable to participate in class activities, please contact your tutor and/or the CLP office as soon as possible.  

Your attendance will be tracked in your D2L course like this.  If you see an error, tell your tutor immediately.  



Attendance and Participation Rubric



Student was present, was actively involved in the session, and was well prepared for class with class materials/textbook, and homework completed. Student actively attempts to communicate in the target language and engages throughout the lesson.  He/she made a few small mistakes in grammar or pronunciation but these were not enough to obscure communication, and he/she used at least 75% of vocabulary from the lesson/textbook.  Student arrives on time and stays for the entire lesson.  



Student was present in class but was not prepared (e.g. missing course materials or incomplete homework), and/or was not actively participating in the language in class activities.  Student had significant difficulty in using the target language as indicated in the lesson plan/textbook.  Student arrives on time and stays for the entire lesson.  



Student arrives tardy to class or leaves class early, but he/she was actively involved in the session, and was well prepared for class with class materials/textbook, and homework completed. Student actively attempts to communicate in the target language and engages throughout the lesson.  He/she made a few small mistakes in grammar or pronunciation but these were not enough to obscure communication, and he/she used at least 75% of vocabulary from the lesson/textbook. 



Student was not in class but had documentation from the Dean of Students for an official excused absence.  



Student was absent.

Should you need to miss more than two classes, secure an official excused absence from the Dean of Students.  If you feel sick and provide a valid medical excuse for missing class that is approved by the Dean of Students, your absence will be excused. 

Only excuses approved by the Dean of Students will prevent you from losing attendance points.   

To request a disability-related accommodation to this attendance policy, please contact the Disability Resource Center at (520) 621-3268 or  

  • The UA’s policy on Class Attendance, Participation, and Administrative Drops is available at

  • The UA policy regarding absences for any sincerely held religious belief, observance or practice will be accommodated where reasonable: resources/religious-accommodation-policy. Notify your tutor and the CLP Director by Week 2 of any necessary religious accommodations. 
  • Absences preapproved by the UA Dean of Students (or dean’s designee) will be honored. See

Students are responsible for the content of any class they miss. Please see below for what you need to do when you need to miss classes, need extension of due date, or need to reschedule examinations due to an absence:    

  • Students are responsible for completing any work that they might miss due to any absence, including assignments, quizzes, tests and exams. 
  • Non-attendance for any reason does not guarantee an automatic extension of due date or rescheduling of examinations. Please communicate and coordinate any request directly with your instructor or CLP office.  

Students are not permitted to audit a for credit CLP class.

Makeup Policy for Students Who Register Late

Students who register after the first class meeting are responsible for the contents of the sessions that they miss.  Please consult with tutors for any quiz or assignment makeup.

Online lessons

In any case that CLP lessons are offered online, they will be offered synchronously on Zoom using your UA account access.  Both tutor and students are expected to keep cameras on and to mute audio when not speaking and to minimize background distractions. 

Recording in Class:

Students should be mindful that instructor course content is subject to intellectual property protections, and that fellow students have privacy rights and expectations as part of class activities. Some students may have an approved accommodation from the Disability Resource Center, which automatically notifies instructors through the DRC Instructor portal. Students who do not have a DRC accommodation must notify the instructor if they wish to record (audio and/or video) or photograph any class activity. When course activities are recorded, they should be used for a student’s own personal educational use only.  

Please note that classes may be recorded by the instructor to assist anyone missing a class or briefly for the purpose of capturing attendance. The instructor will announce this.  (Should you for any reason not wish to be identifiable in the recordings, please tell the instructor at the start of class or reach out to her by email).  


Grading Scale and Policies

Monitor all grades and attendance via the course D2L site.  Grades will be calculated using the following formula unless otherwise announced by tutors via D2L, UA email, and/or in-class announcements:

  • Midterm exam: 40%
  • Final exam: 60%

Exams will be conducted via Zoom or in-person in a Critical Languages Program classroom.  Examiner will conduct the interview based on what you have been learning in class.  Each exam lasts about 5-20 minutes. There will be one midterm oral interview exam during the 7th or 8th week and one final oral interview exam will be conducted during the 15th or 16th week depending on examiner's availability.  Exact date, time and sign-up sheet for exam slots will be provided in class, D2L, or via UA email from the CLP office.  If none of the times offered fit your class or work schedule, you must email the CLP office at least one week prior to the first exam.  It is the student’s responsibility to remember their own exam time, date, and details.  Missing a scheduled exam time may result in a final grade on the exam of zero points.  A UA CATCARD is required to check-in for each exam.

For each exam, the student is asked to do the following:

  • Prepare the space where you are taking the test in advance of the exam: make sure no other persons or pets are in the room during the exam; no audio or other noises playing in the background;
  • Take the seat in front of the camera immediately sitting in a position so that the examiner can clearly see the student's face;
  • Put on the headset and make adjustments if needed;
  • Mute the microphone when not speaking;
  • Verify with the examiner your name and course enrolled; 
  • No digital devices, books, notes, or written materials of any kind are allowed during the exam;
  • Only the course language is permitted during the exam;
  • Recording of the exam by the student is not permitted;
  • Leave only when instructed by the examiner upon completion of the exam.

A violation of any of these policies may result in an academic integrity violation. 

    Midterm/Final Exam Policy

    Make-up Exam Policy:

     If a student has missed his/her scheduled exam time, a student will be allowed to schedule a makeup exam but will only be allowed to score up to 50% on such exam. Make-up Exams should be done within a week from the originally scheduled time slot.  If the student does not show up for the makeup exam, he/she will lose the opportunity to take the exam.  

    If the student provides verifiable evidence for why he/she missed the original exam date/time AND emails the CLP office in advance of their scheduled exam, the Critical Languages Program may allow the student to be able to score higher than 50% on their make-up exam.  Valid reasons include serious illness or injury of student him/herself, family emergency and University-sponsored events/activities. The Dean of Student documents excusing the missed exam should be submitted before rescheduling a make-up request.

    In addition, per UA Final examination regulations, certain circumstances will be considered valid reasons for alternative Final Exam times.  If none of the CLP offered times for Final Exam times work for you and you meet the valid circumstances outlined by the Registrar, you must email the CLP Office before the end of week 12 to request an alternative time. 

    If a student is late to an exam, the Examiner has the discretion to reschedule the exam, continue the exam with the remaining time and impose a corresponding deduction from the total exam grade, or to fail the student's exam.  

    Final Grades of D or F

    A grade of D or lower in the previous course level will require the student to repeat the course level and earn at least a C. 

    Incomplete Grades

    An incomplete grade (I) will be awarded only in extreme situations. For this option, the student must meet with the CLP Director and complete this form and include in the reasons section when the make-up final exam will be taken.  The make-up final exam (or equivalent Credit by Exam, if available) must be taken within the first two weeks of the subsequent semester when he/she wishes to enroll in the next level.  The student must pay an additional make-up exam fee of $150 to cover the additional administrative costs for the special exam before the exam will be offered.  If the student does not complete the exam in time, he/she will be dropped from the course. 

    Academic Integrity

    Students are expected to hand in their own original work. In other words, you may not reuse essays, homework, presentations, or other materials from previous UA courses, or from other schools and present such work as new.  Use of outside sources, including any Artificial Intelligence tools, must be quoted properly or paraphrased and be clearly documented.  No form of outside help or plagiarism will be tolerated.  Such behavior may lead to a failing grade on the assignment and/or the course.  The University of Arizona Academic Integrity policy is described at:


    Course Schedule and Learning Objectives

    Please see the individual course syllabus on D2L for schedule of assignment deadlines, important activities dates, and course learning objectives. Students are responsible for adhering to all academic policies as well.  


    Academic Calendar

    Fall 2024 CLP Dates:
    • 1st Day of CLP Class: August 26, 2024
    • Labor Day - NO CLASS: September 2, 2024
    • Veteran's Day - NO CLASS:  November 11, 2024
    • CLP Midterms: October 21 - 25, 2024
    • Thanksgiving Break: November 28 - December 1, 2024
    • Last Day of Classes: December 11, 2024
    • Reading Day - NO CLASS: December 12, 2024
    • CLP Finals: December 13 - 19, 2024
    Spring 2025 CLP Dates:
    • 1st Day of CLP Class: January 21, 2025
    • CLP Midterms: March 3 - 7, 2025
    • Spring Break - NO CLASS: March 8 - 16, 2025
    • Last Day of Classes: May 7, 2025
    • CLP Finals: May 9 - 15, 2025


    All CLP courses follow University of Arizona academic policies.